
Easy and powerful scrollytelling in Quarto

August 13, 2024

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Scrollytelling is a powerful way of telling stories on the web: elements “stick” the reader’s screen and change as the user scrolls through an accompanying narrative.

Quarto users can already make compelling HTML documents that interleave data and plots with narrative. But scrollytelling is out of reach for most users, requiring more advanced web development skills.

Closeread puts scrollytelling in reach for the average Quarto user. Use Quarto’s cross-referencing system to mark elements to stick to the reader’s screen and others to “trigger” them. Or, create Observable JavaScript graphics that dynamically update as the user scrolls.

Andrew Bray presented Closeread at posit::conf(2024) (video recording will be public soon!), and we’re working on developing additional features and polishing existing features up further.